Two years in the planning, finally 20 young people arrived from Hannover, with six youth workers and artists, to visit Bristol for a programme of different activities, but especially to take part in 2 days of graffiti workshops with a local graffiti artist. This culminated in an exhibition at The Station, where they also stayed at the YMCA hostel. The visit, led by Marco Leitschuh from Hannover City Council, was coordinated by Alix Hughes, twinnings supremo at the International Office of Bristol City Council, and the programme was organised by Faye Keane of Young Bristol and Emma Rigby of the Creative Youth Network. The project was funded by both city councils, with contributions from the Bristol International Twinnings Association and Bristol-Hannover Council. All concerned were delighted with the programme and the outcome. It is hoped that there will be a return visit to Hannover in 2020, if funding can be secured. The photo below shows the happy visitors and hosts around one of the graffiti pieces: ‘H’over’ – an abbreviated version of their home city! In the background are the decorated vinyls which the young people have taken home, but there are 3 panels which will be a permanent legacy of a great visit!