Membership of Bristol-Hannover Council entitles you to attend the events which we organise in Bristol, to receive copies of our quarterly newsletter HEUTE, and to take part in the visits to Hannover, and the Hannoverians’ visits to Bristol. These take place in alternate years. We can also put you in contact with people in Hannover, if you have any particular business or leisure requests, and we are in regular contact with representatives of the city of Hannover, as well as our equivalent organisation there, the Bristol-Hannover Gesellschaft. To become a member of BHC or for further information, please contact Irena Górzynska, the treasurer, at
You can download a Membership Form 2022 to print out and send in.
You will receive our Newsletter, HEUTE, regularly and full details of our programme. We are also always keen for new members to join our committee and to make a practical contribution to the work of twinning.
As a charity, the Bristol Hannover Council has limited funds available to assist young people hoping to visit Hannover for educational purposes. Please contact us for further details.