Bristol-Hannover members have been busy both giving and attending lectures on a variety of topics:
First came Colin Evans, with a talk at Stoke Lodge, on The Art of the Weimar Republic, which was lively and colourful, and greatly appreciated by the 20 or so members and friends who attended.
Mark Allinson gave a talk, also at Stoke Lodge to about 20 people on ‘Christmas in the GDR’ which turned out to be very revealing, often comical, of the attempts by the GDR regime to find a non-religious thematic explanation, for the festival of Christmas! They also made a doubtless impressive film showing how a plumber’s family celebrated Christmas!
Our Chair, Ann Kennard, gave a talk at the invitation of the Bristol Anglo-German Society, on the history of the link between Bristol and Hannover in this anniversary year. The talk, given at the Commonwealth Society, was entitled ‘The first 70 years of Bristol-Hannover Council?’ and reminded older members of many former citizens of Bristol who had been instrumental in ensuring that the link remained a lively one.