Ann first came to know Germany in her early twenties, when her father worked as a civilian with the British Army of the Rhine.
She subsequently did a degree in German and French, with subsidiary Russian, and later an MA and further research in East European Studies at the University of Sussex and in Warsaw, before taking up a post as Lecturer in German at the then Bristol Polytechnic (now UWE) in 1974. After a long career teaching German and East European Studies at UWE, Ann was awarded a D.Phil. in 2010.
Ann joined BHC Committee as the UWE representative in 1996, and was invited to stand and elected as Chairman in 2000. She has been concerned since that time to increase the membership by arranging a wide variety of events in Bristol with a link to Hannover and Germany but also by encouraging as many groups as possible to exchange with like-minded groups in the partner city.
The major anniversaries of 60, 70 and 75 years of friendship have been a catalyst in ensuring the enduring friendship between the two cities, especially in recent years, when Brexit has threatened to reduce interest in European language-learning and links with our neighbours. Ann is determined that our friendship with Hannover will overcome any such effects.