** Having given two enlightening presentations on the run-up to the recent formation of the new German government, Dr Mark Allinson and Dr Christophe Fricker of University of Bristol gave us an informative and entertaining presentation on the new political landscape in Germany, in some contrast to the situation in the UK.
The most evident change from the past is the fact that there is now effectively a six-party system in Germany, so that the former Volksparteien (catch-all) parties, the CDU/CSU and SPD no longer command the large majority of the votes (as the Conservatives and Labour still do in UK).
Although they are still the largest parties, it is the Greens who follow, and the FDP (Liberals) next.
The current government is thus composed of the SPD, the Greens and the FDP (‘the traffic-light’ coalition) with the CDU/CSU, Alternative für Deutschland and die Linke (the Left) in opposition.
Christophe highlighted 3 issues which the new government needs to address: the link between business and climate change, the relationship between Russia and China (also the current Ukraine crisis), and European integration, with certain cracks appearing in the relationship with France.
So we need to watch what happens now!