** A City Hall ceremony on June 24th – presided over by the Lord Mayor, Cllr Steve Smith, who is ex
officio president of all Bristol’s twinnings – saw him unveil two plaques in the foyer, as well as seven
new door signs and framed information panels in each room about Bristol’s twin cities.
The two plaques accompany the coats of arms of Bordeaux and Hannover, which were hung for
the 40th anniversary of the link with those two cities.
The seven meeting rooms are now identified by the twin city to which they are dedicated and the
Council’s booking system is being upgraded to ensure that they are booked as such for meetings.
The twinnings are extremely grateful to the Guild of Guardians for having funded the large majority of
the design and hanging costs, after the twinnings submitted photographs and text about their respective
Bristol International Twinnings Association, with thanks to Alix Hughes for his initiative in taking this
forward, is delighted that this will raise the profile of the twinnings both inside the City Council and
among visitors to City Hall.
Pictures: International Team BCC