We again celebrated the pre-Lent Karneval on Rosenmontag, Monday February 16th, at the Bavarian Beerhouse, just off Queen Square in Bristol. We were honoured by the presence of the Lord Mayor, Councillor Alastair Watson and his wife Sarah, the Lady Mayoress. This year we were also delighted to welcome 16 business studies students and two staff from the Hannah-Arendt-Schule in Hannover, who had come to spend a week with their partner college, the South Gloucestershire and Stroud College (SGS), Filton. They had only arrived into Birmingham that day and had a fairly bad journey by coach on the M5 to Bristol – but they made up for it by really enjoying themselves at our party! As well as participating in the usual delicious German snacks and singalong Karneval songs, everyone went one further and danced on the benches to the ‘Fliegerlied’! Next year we plan to go to Germany to celebrate Karneval there, and plans for that will emerge later in the year.