The PENvolution art installation, created by Kerstin Schulz, a Hannoverian artist, was opened by the Lord Mayor, Alastair Watson, on November 3rd in the Central Library, Bristol, with a reception organised by the hosts, Bristol-Hannover Council. It has already been greeted with great enthusiasm by the public and commented on in the local media. The aim of the installation is to show the development of communications over the years, from the pencil to the computer. The PencilMobileRoom, as it is called (see photo attached), contains a desk, chair, sculpture, telephone and lamp inside, all made of over a million pencils! There is also a computer, and apart from adding pencils to the structure (‘crowd art’), visitors can take selfies and send them to the email address given and their picture will come up on the computer screen almost immediately. Many schools have signed up to take children to participate, and workshops are available to the general public on Tuesdays from 10-11.30, Thursdays from 5-7.30 p.m. and Saturdays from 2.30-4 p.m. The installation will be in Bristol until mid-December and has already been shown in Poznan, Poland, another of Hannover’s twin cities, and after Bristol, will be shown in Hannover, Rouen and Hiroshima.
Photos below: